~ no good deed goes unpunished ~

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

EQ'n Bass and the Perfect Mix

EQ'n Bass

Secrets to EQ'n Bass for Hip Hop
By ModernBeats.com

As a Hip Hop Producer, one thing you must learn to respect is the power of bass and how it can control your entire mix for better or worse. So, for the benefit of your mixes, take note of these important tricks of the trade we reveal below:

1) Bass frequencies are omnidirectional. This means the lows within bass instruments contain alot of power and energy, so powerful they can control the overall output of the master mix level. Plus, your bass track should almost always be panned in the center. Panning your bass other than to the center is senseless as it will only generate a mix that is lopsided and artificially hot on one side.

2) Don't EQ your bass with the same frequencies as you used on your kicks. For example, if you boosted 40-80hz in your kick tracks, then boost around 120hz for your bass, or vice versa. It's very important to avoid accumulation of the same frequencies when dealing with lows as these tracks control the overall output level of your mix. By assigning different frequency settings to each low end track, your overall mix level can become louder.

3) Boosting a particular frequency on a kick track, calls for cutting the same frequency by the same amount on your bass track. Specifically, when boosting 80hz on a kick track, be certain to cut 80hz by the same amount on your bass track. Likewise, if you boosted 130hz on your bass track, cut by the same amount and frequency on your kick track. This secret technique will give your song a far more low end sculpted sound, allowing for a hotter overall mix.

The Perfect Mix

There are many ways to get your songs to final form. What matters is not how you get there, but that you do get there. Lets pretend you are enrolled in one of the world's fine universities and you are writing a Master's Thesis. This is not just "any" piece of drudge paperwork, but the culmination of you education. You know you have to write in excellent form, have to watch out for tiny grammatical imperfections, and make sure substance and style flows well. In short, you have to rewrite and edit, a lot. It may take several experiments to get this just right. You might be working for weeks, not going out to the clubs with your buds, even sending hopeful significant others away. Why? The darn paper is important--you have to do well!

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